Monday, January 15

Experimental Comic page.


This is my first venture in the NEW YEAR ...

A quick idea. we were cleaning up the room, so the room was empty. my friend manju started taking snaps of all with his phone. suddenly an idea came to mind. Just took a pencil and pad, scribbled a storyboard.. Actors are room mates....Camera man me ..and a lil work in photoshop... comic ready . go through the first draft and lemme introduce them ...

The guy with the knife - Ajeesh
The poor guy facing death - Santosh
Super hero - Niyas

all room mates... the work finished from story to final page in a single day. just take a look at the final stuff below, and tell me what u think :) . ha ha ha

thanx for the comments in advance..

. Super Niyaz and The Power Zip
the Intro (to be continued...)



Anonymous said...

kweel dude, it has come out very well. keep it up dear. and well, those faces..hmm!!!commentable

Anonymous said...

Cool bro.

Tharon M said...

Man good try .. :)

Unknown said...

"Road ahead" .. so proceed!

MVM said...

Great stylization

Anonymous said...

i checked ur profile in orkut..i really.really respect ur passion for art and sketches..keep trying..keep drawing..and hell yeah..make small storyboards scribbles..

Preeti Shenoy said...

That was interesting.Landed here from ur link in orkut.I like the name of your blog.Your ideas (about imagination and money--they match mine!) and your pictures! Nice!

അനീഷ് രവീന്ദ്രൻ said...

kewl dude.