Tuesday, September 25


A shot stayed in mind from Ramayana.. the Angy Rama ready to shed his anger on the sea god Varuna who doesn't hear his prayer for help ...the shot comes in Ramayana before the Vanaras started building the bridge to Lanka..

the story goes like..Varuna comes with apologies and helps them to make bridge easier...

This shot stayed back in mind for a long time after reading Ramayana..

C& C Welcome



Kish said...

love the rock..its the sexiest piece in da frame..started using the tab, havet ya?..nice composition...how did u make the wave?

Kish said...

could've given him a cooler pose, though...tht looks a lil blunt

Piccaza said...

nice work yaar!
dress and hair gose to left in the wind, that making the life to ur picture..

Rama said...

Lovely!!! Seems more like Shiva's pose. But superb work

Anonymous said...

good work dude...

first time on ur blog...

do drop into mine
